Saving Firefighters While Saving Lives
360 Fire Training provides high quality firefighter training through video shorts.
Firefighter training across the United States is not consistent which may allow for some training to be based on something other than best practices. At 360 Fire Training, we aim to seek out the best trainers in the industry on every topic. We will then seek to work with these “TOP GUN” trainers to bring consistent, best practices to fire agencies, and firefighters across the nation. To be considered as a “TOP GUN” Firefighter Trainer with 360 Fire Training, please go to the Institutional Knowledge section of 360 Fire training to begin to build your professional training portfolio.
360 Fire Training Mission
It is the mission of 360 Fire Training to prevent serious injury and death through best practices training. Our mission in short is “Saving Firefighters while saving lives.” Injury and death prevention begins with high quality training based on industry led best practices.
360 Fire Training Vision
The “VISION” of 360 Fire Training is to formalize consistent firefighter training across the United States and beyond. Our best practices are developed through industry leaders and subject matter experts. Consistent best practices training is shared through short videos to everyone who is interested in mastering the firefighting trade. With 360 Fire Training user input, all training can be improved on, down to the smallest detail. This is based on the concept that none of us is as smart as all of us!
Institutional Knowledge
Every firefighter has been told to not let Institutional Knowledge walk out the door as experienced firefighters retire. However, rarely is that knowledge captured. 360 Fire Training is working to capture all of your institutional knowledge to be shared with everyone interested in mastering the craft of all firefighting skills.
You don’t have to be retiring to share your institutional knowledge. Every firefighter has knowledge to share. Don’t wait until the end of your career to improve the lives and increase safety for firefighters across the nation.
Peer Support
Saving firefighters while saving lives is the mission of 360 Fire Training. In 2015, firefighter suicide rose to the top of being the number one killer of those in our profession. It has remained at the top of this list every year since.
The 360 Fire Training Staff has teamed up to create and share the firefighter suicide awareness video titled “The Ghosts They Carry.” The video short and the associated video curriculum can be viewed at the link below.
If it is predictable, it is preventable. Help 360 Fire Training meet the goal of saving firefighters.